Budget 2023: Gabriel Attal appeals to the opposition to avoid using 49.3 – franceinfo

“I can’t bring myself to this prospect.” The Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, invites, in an interview with Le Parisien published on Saturday September 3, the members of the opposition political parties to work with the government on the finance bill, in order to avoid recourse to Article 49.3 of the Constitution. This article allows the government, “after deliberation by the Council of Ministers”, to pass a text to the National Assembly without a vote. “In this case, this project is considered adopted, unless a motion of censure, tabled within the following twenty-four hours, is voted under the conditions provided for in the preceding paragraph”, specifies the Constitution. It is up to the Prime Minister to activate 49.3. “I am surprised by certain statements, in particular on the LR side, indicating their intention to vote against, even before the bill is known”, criticizes Gabriel Attal. “De facto, this would leave few other choices than the use of 49.3”, he adds. To escape it, Gabriel Attal therefore reaches out to his opponents with the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, Bruno Le Maire: “We invite the whole of the national representation to work on the budget 2023 before it’s even finalized.” And announces the creation of the “Dialogues de Bercy”, which “will be offered to all parliamentarians of the finance committees of the Assembly and the Senate, majority as opposition”. “Even before the budget arrives in the Council of Ministers, we will present our leads and the arbitrations in progress to them, discuss their proposals in anticipation of the parliamentary debate”, develops Gabriel Attal. The objective is to anticipate certain sticking points with the members of certain political groups.