How to collect a Lottery or Euromillions prize if you share it with family or friends –

One of the most common practices when participating in State Lottery and Betting games is to do so in groups, be it with friends, family or co-workers. But if we are lucky and win a prize, how should we act? The first thing is to avoid problems and misunderstandings. According to the OCU, the main advice is that if the tenth or ticket is shared, as it is a bearer document, the depositary must photocopy it and give each participant a signed copy. This photocopy must include the name and ID of the depositary and indicate “that the person plays in that number, series, fraction and draw, a certain amount of euros”. Another alternative is to send a photo of the tenth by email or WhatsApp, since it can serve as proof to collect the prize, “As long as the data of the depositary, the participants and the participation of each one appear”, they underline from the organization. Major prizes and minor prizes Once everything is clarified, it is time to collect. As stated by the lottery organization itself, “we distinguish the prizes according to the amount accrued in each tenth or receipt. Thus, we call minor prizes those less than €2,000 and higher prizes to receipts or tenths that accumulate an amount equal to or greater to €2,000”. In the first case, “you will be able to collect the minor prizes at any of the almost 11,000 points of sale of the Commercial Lottery Network, deployed throughout the national geography, from the day following the last draw in the that the bet participates”. In the second case, “the prize will be collected exclusively in the financial entities authorized by SELAE. Currently, an extensive network of more than 16,000 bank branches throughout the entire state territory collaborate in the provision of this service “. These are the entities:Abanca Corporación BancariaBanco de SabadellBBVACaixa BankCaja Sur BancoCajamar Caja Rural, Sociedad Cooperativa de CréditoIbercaja BancoKutxabankUnicaja Banco”When the prize is shared by a group of relatives, friends, co-workers, couples, etc… in the case of jackpots to be collected from banks, the only peculiarity is that all the prize holders must go to identify themselves at the financial institution”, recalls SELAE.”If the group is large and the winners voluntarily prefer it, they can designate a representative to carry out the procedures on behalf of all. This empowerment must be conferred in a public document before a notary, since we are talking about high amounts of public funds, which requires certainty as to whom and for what it is paid”, they add. “Remember that in the Financial entities may not make the payment of the prize effective without obtaining from the recipients of the prizes the documentation and information information necessary to comply with the legal obligations of identification (regulations on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, tax regulations or regulations of any other nature that may be applicable)”, says SELAE. Finally, they recall that ” On the other hand, financial entities may not charge any type of expense or commission for paying the prizes. Nor can they force the lucky player to open any account in said entity.