Nice attack: on the eve of the trial, the twin of one of the victims gives us her testimony

Audrey Borla lost her twin sister six years ago in the July 14, 2016 attack on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. On the eve of the opening of the trial, Monday, in Paris, she agreed to testify – like her father, Jacques – in front of our camera, delivering her emotion and her expectations. The figures are eloquent and trace the contours of a trial freak. 86 dead, hundreds injured, 865 civil parties. Monday opens in Paris the trial of the eight accused in the case of the attack of July 14, 2016 in Nice. They are suspected of having assisted Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, who was shot dead after his ram-truck attack on the Promenade des Anglais. Laura Borla was on the famous Nice seafront and lost her life this evening there, mowed down by the terrorist’s vehicle. Her twin sister, Audrey Borla agreed to confide her feelings on the eve of the court hearings. first remembered the tragic moment when he was told of Laura’s death: “It was as if they were cutting the vein connecting my heart and her heart. As if they were compressing my heart and it was preventing me from breathing and that it took away all my strength.” These words, perhaps she will have the opportunity to bring them to justice, because the young girl has been preparing for weeks to testify at the trial. To tell the truth, it is the whole Borla family who will follow the trial. “We talk about how it’s going to be, about our state of mind”, adds Audrey. Her father, Jacques, also attaches great importance to this opportunity to release his word before the magistrates, the jurors: This is perhaps what she expects from up there, that we defend her, that we say what is on our hearts. Referring to the defendants, he ends: “I want them to be convicted, their hands are full of blood”.