Comments by Ségolène Royal on the war in Ukraine: a group wants to file a complaint against the former minister – CNEWS

The collective Stand With Ukraine wants to file a complaint against the former minister and socialist presidential candidate Ségolène Royal. The organization accuses the latter of having denied war crimes in Ukraine. The words of Ségolène Royal do not pass. The collective Stand With Ukraine announced to Liberation its intention to file a complaint against the former socialist minister, for having denied the existence of war crimes in Ukraine. “A lawyer was seized today. We will defend the honor of the disappeared”, confirmed the collective on Twitter. Ségolène Royal created controversy on Thursday during a television interview. Asked about the situation in Ukraine, the socialist said that there was “war propaganda through fear”. In particular, she questioned the bombing of the Mariupol maternity hospital in March. The objective of “preventing the peace process” “The bombed motherhood, when Mr. Zelensky toured European parliaments, and that’s where the peace process broke down, he said he had met a pregnant woman who had told him “Avenge me…”. He was unable to give the name of this woman. We did not know the names of the victims, ”said Ségolène Royal on the set. “And you can imagine that if there had been the slightest victim, the slightest baby with blood, in the age of cell phones, we would have had them,” she added. About the abuses committed in Boutcha, the Minister of Ecological Transition under François Hollande dropped: “Let’s see the testimonies.” According to her, the media coverage of these two events “prevents the peace process”. She believes that it should “prevent and prohibit (…) the fact of conveying horrors”. Ségolène Royal’s statement caused an outcry. “War crimes are documented, denying it is an insult to the murdered, to the raped, to the tortured!” Revolted the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, on Twitter. MEP Raphaël Glucksmann called the remarks a “shipwreck”. Ségolène Royal returned to her speech. “I have never denied war crimes and I happily apologize to the victims if they thought so,” assured the finalist of the 2007 presidential election on Twitter.