United States: Donald Trump responds to Joe Biden’s attacks by calling him an “enemy of the state”

Donald Trump, September 3, 2022, in Wilkes-Barre (Pennsylvania). ED JONES / AFP After Joe Biden’s offensive statements, it’s Donald Trump’s turn to launch his salvos in an increasingly tense climate. The former American president responded on Saturday, September 3, to the current tenant of the White House – who had portrayed him as a threat to democracy – by treating him in turn as an “enemy of the state”. Read also: Republicans loyal to Donald Trump attacked by Joe Biden, as the midterm elections approach Donald Trump moved to Wilkes-Barre, a locality near Scranton, hometown of Joe Biden, to support candidates Republicans in the upcoming Nov. 8 midterm elections, including Mehmet Oz, a doctor-turned-TV star. But in this state of Pennsylvania which will be key in the battle for control of the two chambers, his rival had preceded him this week and attacked with rare virulence, accusing him of representing, with “the “MAGA Republicans” [pour « Make America Great Again », rendre à l’Amérique sa grandeur] an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic”. In Philadelphia, cradle of the United States, Joe Biden had even called for saving “the soul of America”, castigating those who “do not respect the Constitution”, “do not believe in the rule of law”, ” do not recognize the will of the people. Read also: Joe Biden in the campaign denounces the “semi-fascism” within the Republican Party Accents of presidential campaign “It’s him [Joe Biden], the enemy of the state”, replied Donald Trump, denouncing “the most vicious, hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president”. “His words were nothing but hatred and anger,” he insisted, in unison with his supporters. Thus, in the midst of red or blue signs calling for “save America”, Edward Young, 63, believed that “the President of the United States, finally the so-called President of the United States, has declared war on me. And he declared war on half of America”. Donald Trump, in Wilkes-Barre (Pennsylvania), September 3, 2022. ED JONES / AFP Denouncing inflation and rising insecurity, Donald Trump, who openly plans to run again in 2024, also depicted the results on negative as possible from Joe Biden, in a speech that sometimes took on the accents of a presidential campaign. Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In the United States, the Biden camp regains hope before the midterm elections “You could take the five worst presidents in the history of the United States, and put them together, they could not not have done the harm that Joe Biden has done to our country in less than two years, “said the 76-year-old Republican. The meeting began with a selection of images of Joe Biden stammering during speeches. “A parody of justice” In front of his supporters, and for his first public appearance since the search by the federal police (FBI) of his residence in Mar-a-Lago in Florida, Donald Trump also affirmed that this act of investigation constituted “the starkest example of the very real threats to American freedom”, one “of the most shocking abuses of power by any administration in American history”. “The shameful raid and raid on my Mar-a-Lago home was a travesty of justice,” he insisted. Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Joe Biden puts democracy (and Trump) in the balance, two months before the midterm elections The FBI had carried out this search because it suspects the ex-president of keeping illegal confidential documents from his tenure at the White House (2017-2021). Federal investigators believe that among the 30 boxes seized are top secret documents “probably hidden” to hinder the investigation, says a document from the Department of Justice. But for Donald Trump, this “flagrant abuse of the law” will produce “a backlash like no one has ever seen”. The billionaire is also the target of investigations into his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and his role in the violent assault by his supporters on the Capitol, in Washington, on January 6, 2021. He is not for at the moment prosecuted in no case. Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers “Donald Trump continues to prevent any programmatic reflection by crushing the life of his party with all his ego” Donald Trump has also, once again, called into question the result of the 2020 presidential election, which saw him lose to Joe Biden. “American elections should be decided by the American people. And it didn’t happen like that in 2020,” he said. The World with AFP