Toulouse: the expelled migrants squat the Bellefontaine college, then are dislodged by the inhabitants of the qu –

the essential The migrants expelled on Friday August 26 from the former Ehpad des Tourelles in Toulouse, squatted for a few hours at the Bellefontaine college. They were asked to leave by the inhabitants of the district. The unaccompanied minors, migrants mostly from West Africa, who had been expelled on August 26 from the former Ehpad des Tourelles, in Toulouse, tried yesterday to settle in the premises of the former Bellefontaine college, in the Reynerie district. The migrants first settled in the premises of the Bellefontaine college, Saturday, September 3 DDM – MICHEL VIALA At the beginning of the afternoon, a hundred of them, supported by collectives, entered the premises. They installed a chain on the entrance gate, and put a sheet on which was written: “We need collective accommodation”. A few projectiles thrown, but a calm departure A few minutes after their arrival, residents of the Bellefontaine and Reynerie district, whose buildings are located a few meters from the entrance to the college, asked them to leave the premises. According to our information, there would have been no scuffle. On the other hand, the throwing of projectiles made the migrants understand that they had to leave the place. National police intervened to secure their departure, and the migrants departed smoothly. The old college is used for leisure activities “The college is not empty. It is used by neighborhood associations. We have refused that people, whether migrants or any other person, prevent young people and people of the neighborhood, to benefit from these premises, testified on the spot, yesterday, a resident of the neighborhood, for “La Dépêche du Midi”. Several police vehicles secured the surroundings of the college, again yesterday around 7 p.m. President of the Departmental Council wants a “permanent solution” The migrants left by metro Some would have gone back to the Allées Jules-Guesde camp, where they have been sleeping in tents since August 26. The Departmental Council of Haute-Garonne , owner of the premises of the former Bellefontaine college, confirmed yesterday that its premises “still host leisure activities for the youth of the district”. The president of the departmental council, Georges Méric, “recalls the need to find a lasting solution to the accompaniment of these migrants” and calls for the “full and entire mobilization of the actors of this file, which are the State and the town hall of Toulouse”.