4 zodiac signs who are at risk of falling ill in September 2022 according to an astrologer – Health+ Mag

During this month of September, four zodiac signs will have to pay attention to their health and take better care of themselves. Indeed, the retrograde of Mercury from September 9 could cause them health problems. To avoid trouble, the natives of these astrological signs must pay attention to their lifestyle during this month. Discover the 4 signs of the zodiac who are at risk of having health problems during the month of September. The effects of the retrogradation of Mercury will be felt particularly among the natives of the 4 signs of the zodiac. According to the Russian astrologer, Pavel Globa, they are likely to feel a state of fatigue and a sharp drop in energy during the month of September. They must therefore pay attention to their lifestyle and adopt good habits to spend a month without incident. The 4 signs of the zodiac likely to have health problems during the month of September Mercury retrograde often portends difficulties and small problems in our life. The natives of these 4 zodiac signs can feel the effects of the movement of this planet on their health. Gemini – Source: spm physical. The stress and overwork he will feel could cause him acute tension headaches. His physical condition is affected. That said, the stars advise Gemini to slow down at work and rest as soon as the opportunity arises. Although he is of a sociable nature, the native of this sign will have to privilege calm places and moments to spend alone. He will also have to take care to be surrounded as little as possible, to avoid social interactions likely to tire him more. . He must be vigilant and not go beyond his limits to avoid incidents and injuries. This charismatic sign by nature likes to talk to and take care of him. He could then start a new physical activity during the start of the school year. However, he must be patient and regular. If he gives everything of himself during the first sessions, he risks tiring himself physically and morally. The morale of the native of this sign will be very low during the month of September. His sensitivity will increase tenfold and he will be more on edge. Indeed, the slightest problem will be likely to upset him and exacerbate his anxieties. His feverish mental state may affect his health. Because of his anxieties and his susceptibility, he could feel pain in his stomach. This meticulous and perfectionist sign of the zodiac will then have to learn to let go and not take things too much to heart. Even at work, the stars advise this Earth sign to remain neutral and not to react to the provocations of those around him, at the risk of impacting his mood.Capricorn – Source: spmDuring the month of September, the native of this sign will feel a real drop in energy, which he should not take lightly. Indeed, this determined and ambitious sign by nature often works hard, to the point of neglecting his moral and physical health. The fatigue he will feel during this new school year will have a negative impact on his productivity, and for good reason, he will find it difficult to concentrate on his tasks. This Earth sign will also have to review their eating habits, as they could be linked to this drop in tone. Read also Money, work and love: Here’s what September has in store for the 12 zodiac signs