The Republicans: Bruno Retailleau proposes to “create a new party” – franceinfo

The boss of Les Républicains senators, Bruno Retailleau, candidate for the presidency of his party, has promised to create “a new party” in order to bring together his political family, Saturday, September 3, at the back-to-school campus for young LRs. “After three failures in three presidential elections, there is no fatality. The condition is to change everything, not only the faces, not only the name of the party”, but to “hustle everything”, he said. to journalists. “So I want to create a new party [pour] rebuild a real right (…) courageous, not ashamed. there is no future for small stretches of right”, a right which “would then be sold to the cut”. This is why “we must come together, with a line that is clear. Strong words, we no longer need them, because often they ring hollow (…) If tomorrow, we are not together, we will end up in a telephone booth”, affirmed the one who wants to “propose a another way”, between Eric Ciotti, very identified with the regalian, and Aurélien Pradié, with a more social prism. “Of course we must gather, but we must be clear, the gathering must not be the status quo. I will not be the candidate for the status quo,” said Eric Ciotti, also a candidate for this election set for December 3. “I also know how to bring people together, but this argument ultimately leads us not to say things. on his strengths, he mentioned “surely a methodical approach” because “I say things clearly, in very clear opposition to macronism and in our ability to designate our colors very quickly during the next presidential election”. for me, there is only one who can do it, it is Laurent Wauquiez”, he estimated. Third probable candidate although not yet declared, the deputy Aurélien Pradié warned that “in this kind election, you always have to be wary of the third man you didn’t see coming”. “If I were a candidate, I would express something different”, assured Aurélien Pradié. He will give his decision “in A few days”.