Weather forecast for Sunday September 4: return of the sun and high temperatures! – The Weather Channel

To remember – return of the sun and very summery conditions over 3/4 of the country – return of high temperatures in the south, up to 35°C in Aquitaine and 30°C in Paris – rainy deterioration in Brittany where the wind is strengthens – numerous maritime entries into Languedoc-Roussillon General context An anticyclone positioned over Algeria is pushing a ridge towards France, bringing us a nice improvement, all in a southerly wind which is strengthening in connection with a depression centered off the coast of Brittany. You understood it, this Sunday you benefit from a superb day on the 3/4 of France, with sun and heat in the afternoon. However, if you are in Languedoc-Roussillon, the maritime entrances spoil the atmosphere a little with many stratus clouds and a few showers on the Cévennes. The risk of thunderstorms is almost non-existent on the PACA coast and in Corsica, except in mountainous areas. In Brittany, you are less favored, with sustained rains over Finistère, threatening skies from Morbihan to Côtes d’Armor, all accompanied by a sustained southerly wind. Details by region It is therefore a beautiful day that accompanies you this Sunday. You enjoy superb weather from the south-west to the Normandy coast via the Massif Central, the Loire Valley, the Paris basin, Hauts-de-France, Lorraine, Alsace, Burgundy, Franche- County and Rhône-Alpes. From 10 to 15°C in the morning, you have 24°C in Deauville, 27°C in Lille, nearly 30°C in Paris up to 33°C in the Aquitaine basin with peaks of nearly 35°C in the Landes and Gironde in the afternoon. Near the Mediterranean, low clouds can spoil the mood a bit if you are in Languedoc-Roussillon. On the Cévennes, some showers are possible. On the other hand, in Provence Alpe Côte d’Azur and Corsica, after the thunderstorms on Saturday, you find calmer weather, even if under large towering cumulus clouds in the afternoon, you could hear thunder rumbling in the rear. -country as well as on the Corsican mountain. From 17 to 21°C in the morning, you have an average of 30°C in the afternoon. In Brittany, the influence of the Atlantic depression is felt and you spend the day in the rain and the wind in Finistère where it does not exceed 20°C in the afternoon. From the Vendée and the Pays de la Loire to the center of Brittany going up towards the Cotentin, you have an increasingly cloudy sky over the hours, but the feeling is nevertheless summery with 23 to 28°C in the afternoon. midday. In the evening, a small shower is not excluded in the regions mentioned.