Residents of Alsasua protest against the Civil Guard in a heavily criticized ‘Ospa Eguna’, but without incident –

Under the motto ‘Poliziarik ez! Langileon aurkako errepresioa gelditu’ (‘Police no! Stop the repression against workers’), residents of Alsasua have demonstrated this Saturday in what is known as ‘Ospa Eguna’ to ask for the departure of the Civil Guard of Navarra. In the mobilization, carried out without incident through the streets of the town, slogans such as ‘Talde represiboak kanpora’ (‘The repressive groups out’), ‘Alde hemendik, utzi bakean’ (Get out of here, leave us in peace) have been launched. , or ‘Ez, ez, ez, represioari ez’ (‘No, no, no, no to repression’). Citizens will gather this Friday in Alsasua to condemn the Ospa Eguna and support the Civil Guard Learn more The event, which is held annually, has been criticized from different areas that have called for its ban, such as the professional association JUCIL, the Neighborhood Association of Paz, or parties such as UPN, Ciudadanos, PPN and PSN, who in a statement published late this Saturday have rejected and condemned the celebration because, in their opinion, “it breaks coexistence and lacks respect for all citizens” . In the letter, the socialists have opted for coexistence and peace “to advance in society and avoid acts such as those that occurred.” “It is not possible that even today there are those who intend to make democracy in Navarra resent”, they have claimed. In this sense, the PSN has rejected and condemned “any action that acts against human rights and against the dignity of the victims, avoiding their revictimization.” “The PSN reiterates its commitment, affection and support for the Security Forces and Bodies that watch over the citizens of Navarra, such as the Regional Police, the Civil Guard and the National Police”, they concluded. Despite criticism and requests for its prohibition, the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, affirmed that in order to limit a right “you must have important and determining elements”, and that “that is what the judiciary is for”, according to reports Europe Press. Along these same lines, the Government delegate in Navarra, José Luis Arasti, expressed his rejection of the event but stated that, according to the reports requested from both the State Lawyers and the Civil Guard, “it cannot be prohibited” since it does not there are “well-founded” reasons to think that a possible disturbance of public order with danger to persons or property may occur. The spokesman for the Government of Navarra, Javier Remírez, also showed the “absolute rejection” of the Executive to the celebration, although he added that “we live in a State of Law, in a democratic State where there are a series of fundamental rights, among which there is the right to protest and free expression, and on this issue, which has already been dealt with by the National High Court in 2019, the limitation of action by public institutions was made clear”. On the other hand, a representation of Citizens, headed by its president, Inés Arrimadas, gathered this Friday in Alsasua to express their support for the Civil Guard a day before the Ospa Eguna in which Arrimadas was “convinced” that the Security Forces and Corps “represent the vast majority of Spaniards.” “We are acknowledging and giving thanks to the Civil Guard, while tomorrow there is going to be an incitement to hatred, an act, a disgusting ceremony of incitement to hatred, which is what the radicals are going to do tomorrow, with not only a Government of Navarra that does not act and a local Government that does not act, but a Government of Spain that looks the other way. And you can’t afford what the radicals are going to do tomorrow, which is a disgusting hate speech ceremony,” she said. For his part, the president of UPN, Javier Esparza, asked in a statement “to end once and for all the impunity of those who promote and participate in the Ospa Eguna and other similar acts of hatred and harassment against the Civil Guard and the rest of the Armed Forces.” and State Security Bodies. The PPN manifested itself in the same sense, who demanded in a press release the “dignification” of the Security Forces and Bodies in Navarra in the face of the “attack” that Ospa Eguna supposes. depends on you We are different. is the only generalist written medium in Spain with its own edition in Navarra. Become a member and support nearby journalism and our newsroom in Plaza del Castillo. More information on the phone 848 451 633.