The former socialist minister Trujillo believes that Ceuta and Melilla are “vestiges of the past” that – El Mundo

Updated Saturday, 3 September 2022 – 18:29The former head of Housing for the Zapatero Government believes that the case of autonomous cities is an “affront to the territorial integrity of Morocco”Former Minister Trujillo, in a file image.R . CRDENAS Political turn Sánchez supports for the first time that the Shara be an autonomous province of Morocco Courts Two senior officials from Ceuta, cornered a year after returning 55 protected minors to Morocco The former socialist minister María Antonia Trujillo, who was the head of Housing during the first legislature governed by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, considers that the cases of Ceuta and Melilla are “vestiges of the past” that “interfere” in relations between Madrid and Rabat and require a political solution based on dialogue between the two countries, since that the case of the autonomous cities, as well as that of the islets and peons, represent “an affront” to the “territorial integrity” of Morocco. According to El Faro de Ceuta, Trujillo has made these statements in the city of Tetun during his speech at the I International Conference on Spanish-Moroccan Relations: present and future, organized by the Escuela Normal Superior de Tetun in collaboration with the Universidad Ab delmalek Essaadi and the Moroccan Center for Studies and Research in Economics and Sustainable Development. A meeting in which former President Zapatero has also participated, who has defended the new road map of the Government of Pedro Sánchez, which in April went on to support Morocco’s autonomy plan with respect to the Western Sahara. “Ceuta and Melilla and the pawns and islets represent an affront to the territorial integrity of Morocco,” Trujillo opined during his speaking time. “They are vestiges of the past that interfere with the economic and political independence of this country and with the good relations between the two countries.” A few words with which the former socialist minister has aligned herself with the annexationist postulates defended by Rabat. Trujillo held the position of Minister of Education at the Spanish Embassy in Morocco until last May, when she was dismissed, as claimed from the faculty. She was previously Minister of Housing between 2004 and 2007. The PSOE rejects her statements The PSOE of Ceuta has shown its “rejection” of the demonstrations in Trujillo and has pointed out that the Spanishness of Ceuta “does not admit discussion,” reports Efe. statement, the PSOE has shown this afternoon its “total rejection” of personal opinions, “which we do not share and reject in their entirety for the simple reason that in the PSOE of Ceuta the Spanish of Ceuta does not admit discussion”, as stated the general secretary of the Socialists of Ceuta, Juan Gutirrez. Gutirrez, who, although he understands that all opinions “are respectable”, has said that they “are totally inadmissible on the part of the Socialists of Ceuta, since the Spanishness of Ceuta and the defense of the interests of the city and that of the Ceutes are above the acronym of our party, so we do not accept and totally reject these personal opinions.” In the opinion of the leader of the PSOE, these demonstrations assumed in “Morocco’s annexationist discourse, a personal opinion that we Ceutes socialists do not share and that we categorically reject.” of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, would go on to unequivocally support the autonomy plan designed by Morocco in 2007 with respect to the Western Sahara. A turn that was harshly criticized by the Executive that coordinates and by the entire Plenary of Congress but that, however, has the support of former President Zapatero, who has taken advantage of these days to highlight it. “We are facing a positive horizon of understanding and good relations,” Zapatero said during his speech, in statements collected by Efe. “Spanish and Moroccan societies need more understanding, dialogue and rapprochement, and fewer stereotypes, to benefit from each other,” he said. . A path that, like Mara Antonia Trujillo, has said must be traveled through dialogue and political understanding between the two countries. According to the criteria of The Trust Project Learn more