Government crisis and chaos after SaS ministerial seats: Grendel wants to continue in the foursome, Tomáš calls for early elections –

Tomáš criticizes the current government for not yet presenting solutions to high energy prices. “We will approach the proposals constructively, but we would like to see them first,” he added. Grendel responded that they want to alleviate the energy crisis with various measures to help people. “I think that we will have the resources for this thanks to the excess collection of taxes,” he concluded. Prime Minister Heger did not want to reveal the name of Sulík’s possible successor, he first wants to show the nomination to the president. Tomáš would welcome a vote of confidence in the government. The deputy speaker of the parliament did not want to comment on the functioning of a possible minority government. “Let’s wait for the crisis to end,” he added. According to Tomáš, in the case of a minority government, Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OĽaNO) should put the government to a vote of confidence. Photo gallery (2) Erik Tomáš
Source: TASR/Jakub Kotian The discussants also talked about possible changes in ministerial positions after the possible departure of SaS from the coalition. Grendel did not want to specify the names of possible successors. Tomáš also welcomes the proposal of the head of the parliament Boris Kollár (We are a family) to change the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, thanks to which a referendum on early elections could be called, or the deputies could vote to end the election period. Grendel does not support him. “That possibility exists in some form, for example when the prime minister resigns. I don’t think that such an amendment to the constitution is a good way,” he added.