The Argentine vice president declares that she did not see the weapon pointed at her head

The vice president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández, has declared in court that she did not realize what was happening when she suffered an assassination attempt on Thursday. During the afternoon of this Friday, the judge in charge of the case, María Eugenia Capuchetti, and the prosecutor Carlos Rívolo approached the vice president’s home to take her statement. Fernández has told the titular magistrate of the Federal Criminal and Correctional Court No. 5 that she did not realize what was happening when she was pointed at her, without the gun going off. She has recounted that, when the firearm appears, she bends down to look for a book that she was signing for the people who were holding a vigil near her home. For his part, the attacker, Fernando Sabag Montiel, has preferred to remain silent and has refused to give a statement, while the police have searched his home. Members of the Federal Police have seized one hundred 9mm caliber projectiles in the house of the man, who lived in the Buenos Aires municipality of San Martín, located in the vicinity of the capital. The judicial investigation will continue this weekend with expert reports on the detainee’s mobile phone and laptop to find out if he acted alone. The vice president’s lawyer, Gregorio Dalbón, will ask the Argentine Justice to classify the act as “attempted femicide” to the degree of attempted illegal use of a firearm. “We are waiting for Cristina to be able to calm down in relation to what has happened to her in order to request the classification of attempted femicide before the Justice,” he said in statements to the C5N news channel. The lawyer believes that the detainee would not have acted alone and that the attack could have been planned. “He alone did not act because there were preparatory events for the assassination attempt that did not condition events that he prepared alone, because there were other people who were aware of this situation.” Political tension between the Government and the opposition The Argentine vice president was attacked this Thursday at the doors of her house, in the capital’s Recoleta neighborhood, where Montiel pointed a gun at the face of the former president (2007-2015) and fired twice, in amid the permanent vigil of Kirchnerist supporters who, since August 22, have been installed next to his home. The detainee, a 35-year-old man of Brazilian nationality, does not have a criminal record in his country of origin, while the weapon seized from the suspect is a Bersa caliber 32 automatic, which, at its base, has partial numbering 250, suitable for firing, according to the Ministry of Security. It was loaded with five bullets but had no ammunition in the chamber. The attack on Cristina Fernández has occurred in a context of strong political tension between the Government and the opposition, which has grown since a prosecutor requested an investigation on Monday last week. sentence of 12 years in prison for the vice president within the framework of the oral trial to which she is subjected for alleged irregularities in the concession of public works during her Government. The Argentine Congress has approved this Saturday a declaration that expresses its “strongest condemnation and repudiation assassination attempt” against the vice president. The document, modified at the request of the country’s largest opposition front, the conservative Together for Change, was approved by parliamentarians at the beginning of the session. The statement has made no mention of “political violence” or “hate speech” that was included in the original text. The day before, tens of thousands of protesters mobilized in Buenos Aires and other cities in Argentina to express their I support Cristina Fernandez.