Argentina confirms the fourth death from bilateral pneumonia of unknown origin – COPE

The health authorities of the Argentine province of Tucumán (north) confirmed this Saturday the death of a fourth victim due to an outbreak of bilateral pneumonia of unknown origin, which was detected for the first time in a private sanatorium. “The Ministry of Public Health reports the death of a patient linked to the conglomerate of cases of pneumonia of unknown origin. This is a 48-year-old male patient, with comorbidities, who was hospitalized in serious condition in the public sector,” the provincial portfolio said in an official statement. On the other hand, the number of infected people increased to eleven after a new case was detected in a 64-year-old man with comorbidities, who is hospitalized in serious condition with mechanical respiratory assistance, in a private sector hospital. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) reported last Thursday that is closely following the epidemiological situation in Tucumán together with the Argentine Ministry of Health. “The preliminary investigation indicates that the deceased patients had some type of comorbidity and the contacts of the cases are under permanent follow-up and until the date of preparation of this report have not presented symptoms, “explained PAHO in a statement. At the moment, the samples were sent to the Malbrán Institute for analysis. is and be able to determine the cause of the outbreak and expand diagnostic studies. According to PAHO, preliminary tests have been negative for the most common viral, bacterial, and fungal agents.