Emergency situation in the East. Residents are threatened by a tiger from Ukraine – iMeteo.sk

Not only bears, but also tigers recently. Residents in the Far East are threatened on Saturday evening by an animal that has been seen in several places. Information about a tiger roaming the meadows and forests spread very quickly in the Snin district on Saturday evening. Although at first it seemed like a joke, the opposite is true. Indeed, the tiger was actually captured. This happened at one of the camera traps in the village of Brezovec, which is located near the border with Ukraine. It was from the local zoo that the animal was supposed to escape. Even until these moments, it was not possible to catch him. According to one of the images, the animal should not be large, it is probably a cub. However, even that already has its own power and can cause injuries to a person. It should be a young tiger, source: Jana Copáková The tiger is roaming near the borders The tiger has been seen in several places during the previous hours. Near the mentioned village of Brezovec, but also in the vicinity of Klenova or Ulič. Mayors have already urged people not to leave their homes. If they see the animal, they should immediately contact the police or the mayor of the village. Today it is a tiger, a few weeks ago it was a bear. Residents in the Far East are used to contact with animals. But definitely not for what they have been experiencing in recent weeks. Only recently, a bear destroyed the hives of a local beekeeper in the village of Zboj. Fortunately, no one was injured.