Are you trying to save as much as possible due to high energy prices? Smart advice on how to achieve this: Just do THIS with the freezer –

Archive VIDEO Sulík commented on current topics: Slovakia has enough gas, if he leaves the post of minister, the head of the SPP will also leave Smart tricks on how to save money or simplify life are often shared on the Tiktok social network. The Yascaoimhin profile, which advises Britons on how to save as much as possible, was also chosen this way. Even though many of them have the biggest energy guzzlers such as the television or other white goods switched off for most of the day, their electricity bills are still high. According to the profile, the refrigerator is to blame – specifically its freezing part, in which a large amount of ice is often stored. If people do not regularly defrost the freezer, the layer of ice will increase consumption. This does not apply to the so-called No-frost refrigerators, on which frost naturally forms very rarely. Photo gallery (3) Source: Getty Images “You should all know this. Electricity is going to be expensive for the next 6 months whether we like it or not. The most expensive things in your house use electricity or gas. There are appliances that draw cold water and heat it, and vice versa, there are also those that draw warm or lukewarm water and cool it,” he informed on the social network. This is, for example, a dishwasher, a washing machine, but also a refrigerator and a freezer. “For every extra millimeter of ice in your freezer, 10 percent more electricity is needed to make it work properly. Therefore, defrost your freezer as much as possible and as often as possible,” he warned people. Photo gallery (3) Source: Getty Images