Pedro Sánchez guarantees the Iberian route to make electricity cheaper in winter, but warns: “In spring we will see” –

The general secretary of the PSOE and president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has assured this Saturday in Seville that the so-called Iberian exception will allow “being able to spend the winter armored” but leaves in the air what may happen later with the mechanism devised by Spain and Portugal to temporarily contain the skyrocketing cost of the electricity bill. “From the spring, we will see,” he pointed out. It was his response to a question from one of the attendees at an event held in the Sevillian neighborhood of Pino Montano, which has launched a new format for public interventions, framed within the campaign ‘The Government of the People’ with which the socialists They hope to recover the pulse of the street and turn around the polls led by the PP. The Chief Executive has received not only applause, but also some beeps and boos during his speech. Sánchez has claimed before the European Commission that “once and for all” it address the energy reforms that his government “has been asking for months to defend the working middle class and the productive fabric of our country.” In relation to the so-called Iberian exception, he has guaranteed that “we have a shield until the spring of next year and this is very important because that means that we are going to be able to spend the winter, which is the hardest and most difficult time, with full guarantees , armored, we are going to cross that narrow and difficult bridge of autumn and winter with that Iberian mechanism and from spring, we will see». His biggest attacks have been directed at a “political and media right” that, as he has insisted, is “docile with the powerful.” “It is not the same for social democracy to govern as for the right” In his speech he accused the large energy companies of “taking the PP and the media right hand in hand” to “say no to everything” and oppose the economic and social measures promoted by the Executive, such as the Iberian exception. «I will never forget who thrived alongside the large energy companies in Brussels so that they would say no to the Iberian exception; the political right and the media », he has proclaimed. In front of the “political and media terminals of the right”, he has presented himself as the head of an Executive who governs for the “social majority”, for “the middle and working class”. This has been the axis on which his speech has revolved, which has swung between defending the measures adopted by the Executive to lower prices, such as discounts on public transport and the 80% drop in taxes associated with electricity, and attacks on the opposition. Sánchez has opened this Saturday in Seville his campaign to grease the organic machinery for the municipal elections next May after the very hard blow that was the defeat of the Socialists in the Andalusians, when they were swept away by Juanma’s ‘cyclone’ Moreno, who achieved the first absolute majority for the PP in this autonomous community. The choice of Seville as the start of his campaign, which will take place in 30 acts spread throughout the Spanish geography, has an undoubted symbolic value for the Socialists. Until the electoral appointment of 19-J, Seville was the only province in which the PSOE had never lost an election. The workers’ ‘stronghold’ of Pino Montano Within the capital of Seville, one of the few territories that resisted the conservative ‘tsunami’ was precisely the neighborhood of Pino Montano, a workers’ area where the socialists continue to win. Precisely, the gardens of the Community of Owners of Pino Montano have hosted this act, in the presence of a multitude of public officials and party members who have supported it, such as the mayor of Seville, Antonio Muñoz; the Secretary General of the Andalusian PSOE, Juan Espadas, and the Minister of Finance and Deputy Secretary General of the PSOE, María Jesús Montero, as well as residents of the neighborhood. After a previous intervention, the President of the Government has responded to questions from citizens, militants or supporters of the party who have not hesitated to congratulate him and join in the criticism of the PP, the right-wing media and even the non-affiliated “talkers”. To Antonio León’s question about the Iberian exception, he pointed out that “what he is going to do is demand a generalized intervention in Europe in the price of gas”, as well as the possibility of decoupling electricity prices from gas prices, that have skyrocketed in recent months, especially after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Sánchez stated.