The Rambouillet mosque ravaged by a fire in the middle of the night – archyde

A scrawny metal structure in the middle of the lawn, charred carpets. Nothing remains of the temporary structure that housed the Rambouillet mosque (Yvelines). This tent installed in the Louvière district completely burned down last night. The fire broke out around 1 a.m. It mobilized about fifteen firefighters. This Saturday morning, volunteers from the Muslim Association of Rambouillet take turns on site to monitor the site, pending the intervention of experts, scheduled for Saturday afternoon. “Many of us have offered our help spontaneously since the tragedy”, summarizes a young man posted in front of the debris. A town hall meeting is scheduled for this Saturday afternoon The investigation to determine the causes of this fire has been entrusted to the police Court of Versailles. A meeting should bring together the public prosecutor, the prefect and the mayor of Rambouillet during the course of the day. The Muslims of Rambouillet and the surrounding municipalities have been using this structure of around forty m2 since 2009, installed behind the school of La Louvière, on land belonging to the town hall. “I was notified in the early morning and I immediately contacted the president of the Muslim association of Rambouillet, Rachid Id Salah, to give him my support. We will obviously be at their side, comments this Saturday morning Véronique Matillon, the mayor (SE) of Rambouillet. If a criminal lead were to be confirmed, we would strongly condemn it.” The parish priest of Rambouillet also sent a word of support to the Muslim community this Saturday morning.