MISS municipal and VÚC elections 2022: The parties also rely on young sexy women, gentlemen, pay attention – Topky.sk

archive video Diana Javorčíková, candidate for mayor of Banská Bystrica Diana Javorčíková is a candidate for mayor of Banská Bystrica. She studied political science and law. She applied her knowledge after completing her studies at the Municipal Office of Banská Bystrica and the Government Office of the Slovak Republic. In the following years, she subscribed to culture and the media. She worked as a head of production and marketing at the Puppet Theater in Rázcestí, as a production coordinator at the dubbing studio and as an online editor and presenter at RTVS. In all these areas of her activity, along with creating and moderating shows on the Banská Bystrica radio, she worked for the last three years during her parental leave. Photo gallery (9) Source: Facebook/Diana Javorčíková – candidate for the mayor of Banská Bystrica Jana Jányová, Smer-SD, Republika, is running for mayor of the Bratislava – Ružinov district Jana Jányová from the Domov-NS party also wants to get involved in the fight for voters. It is said that she is not indifferent to what is happening around her, and the things she sees do not fill her with the feeling that they are being done as best as possible. He wants to offer a new vision, a new opportunity for the development of Ružinov. He wants to present the program offer with which he wants to bid for voters’ votes in the elections later during his campaign, together with the candidates for local deputies. However, he assures that he wants to define such topics that are necessary and important for the comprehensive development of the city district. She promised to devote herself to all areas of self-government, so that they move. In his work, he does not want to forget, for example, the elderly, young families or single mothers. Last but not least, he wants to pay attention to the parking policy. Photo gallery (9) Jana Jányová, candidate for the post of mayor of the Bratislava-Ružinov district
Source: TASR/Pavel Neubauer Katarína Chlebíková is running for mayor in Nové Mesto nad Váhom Katarína Chlebíková, who works as an economist, is also aspiring to the post of mayor in Nové Mesto nad Váhom. Her team wants to “wake up” the city and bring life back not only to the park, but also to the square, housing estates, playgrounds, simply to the streets. Their vision is to create conditions for an active life throughout this city, to create new places for people to “live”. Not just a few months before the election, but still. Photo gallery (9) Source: archive of K.CH. Martina Jarošová Gašparová, Hlas-SD, is running for municipal deputy in the city of Nitra Martina Jarošová Gašparová also wants to fight for the favor of voters with the support of Hlas-SD in the city of Nitra, where she is running for municipal deputy. After much deliberation, she finally decided to run for deputy in the Nitra self-governing region, because she still feels the need to help this society, the region and, above all, the people who live, work and create values ​​in it for future generations. Photo gallery (9) Source: MJG archive Dominika Vážna, Hlas-SD, is running for mayor of Prievidza Dominika Vážna works as the head of the transport department at the District Office in Prievidza and is also the district chairman of the Hlas-SD party. In the upcoming municipal elections, she will run for the post of mayor Prievidza, and at the same time she will apply for the voter’s trust for the post of deputy of the city of Prievidza and deputy of the Trenčín self-governing region. Her election program does not forget about social issues either. Improving the quality and better accessibility of the care service for seniors, strengthening the home care service by supporting existing non-public providers so that help is provided to everyone who depends on it – these are the natural backbone of her future efforts from the position of a municipal politician. Photo gallery (9) Source: DV archive Alena Dudeková, candidate for mayor of Poviná Alena Dudeková is a candidate for mayor of Poviná and she wants to try again with the voters. She studied Small and Medium Business Management at the University of Economics and Management in Bratislava. She also wants to try for the position of deputy of the VÚC in the Žilina self-governing region for the district of Kysucké Nové Mesto. Photo gallery (9) Source: AD archive Veronika Temňáková, Republika, is running for president of the Trnava region Veronika Temňáková, who, according to the movement, is a lawyer and economist from Galanta, will run for the post of president of the Trnava self-governing region for the Republika movement. According to them, Temňáková is a smart, young woman with a strong social sense. It is said that with the feeling with which he takes care of his family, and with the expertise and tenacity with which he gives work to several people in the region, he also wants to develop the entire Trnava region. Photo gallery (9) Source: Facebook/Milan Uhrík • Republika Romana Hubová, Hlas-SD, is running for deputy of the VÚC in the Žilina Region Candidate Romana Hubová wants to try for the seat of the deputy of the VÚC for the Žilina Region, she currently works as a Key account manager. Photo gallery (9) Source: archive RH MISS municipal and VÚC elections 2022: The parties are also betting on young sexy girls, gentlemen, pay attention