Unnecessary tragedy: A forgotten child (†2) died in a hot car, his mother left him there for 7 hours | TVNOVINY.sk – TVNOVINY.sk

In the United States this year, 22 children have already died in hot cars. The latest tragedy occurred on Tuesday in New Jersey, when a woman left her two-year-old daughter in a car in front of her house. The girl spent 7 hours there, her lifeless body was taken out of the car by neighbors who happened to be passing by. Despite great efforts, even the called rescuers were unable to save her, reports the New York Post portal. What exactly preceded the incident is still unclear. Temperatures in New Jersey that day hovered around 27 degrees Celsius. The child spent seven hours in the closed car and finally died. The police on the spot announced the tragic news to the parents. They had a mental breakdown, the mother was taken away by ambulance. The policemen, referring to the ongoing investigation, did not provide more information. “How could this happen? We all forget, but how can you forget a toddler?” one of the neighbors commented on the case. Other people from the same street were also shocked, according to them they were great and loving parents. “Every parent has made mistakes. Unfortunately, some of them end in a tragedy that none of us expect,” said one of the mothers who recently lost her two-year-old daughter in this way. In the United States this year, 22 children have already died in hot cars. Due to similar cases, the Kids and Car Safety organization is trying to push for systemic changes that could prevent further unnecessary deaths with the help of modern technologies.