NASA will try again today to launch the Artemis I mission – EITB

Society mission to the moon agencies | eitb media Published: 09/03/2022 11:56 (UTC+2) Last update: 09/03/2022 12:20 (UTC+2) The launch of the spacecraft that will travel to the Moon will start at 14:17 hours ; at 8:17 p.m. in Euskal Herria. Euskaraz irakurri: NASA berriro saiatuko da gaur Artemis I misioa jaurtitzen The launch of NASA’s Artemis I unmanned space mission, made up of the Orion spacecraft and the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, It is scheduled for this Saturday, September 3, after it was not carried out on Monday, August 29, due to engine problems. This was communicated by NASA through its Twitter profile, where it explained that the takeoff window of the ship that will travel to the Moon will start at 2:17 p.m. (at 8:17 p.m. in Euskal Herria). No matter where you are on Earth, join us tomorrow as we reach out to the Moon. The two-hour window for Saturday’s #Artemis I launch attempt opens at 2:17pm ET (18:17 UTC). Here’s your thread on how to tune in: — NASA (@NASA) September 2, 2022 The Space Agency noted that the failure that prevented the launch of Artemis I was related to one of the four engines of the central stage of the SLS. Specifically, the number 3 engine was not able to reach the proper temperature required for takeoff. Once the failure was resolved, the director of the Artemis mission, Mike Sarafin, announced that the Artemis I continues on platform 39B of the Kennedy Space Center, from where it is expected to go into space today. The Artemis I mission is intended to be the first step, still without a crew, for successive missions with the ultimate goal of returning astronauts to the surface of the Moon and enabling a long-term human presence for decades to come. It is expected that, during 2024, NASA will send the Artemis II, which will make the same journey as its predecessor, but this time with a crew, and the following year the manned Artemis III mission will do the same, which will also carry the first woman and person of color to the lunar surface.