OĽaNO is to decide over the weekend whether Matovič will leave or the government – SME will fall

Sep 2, 2022 at 20:39 I Paid content Neither Remišová nor Matovič can support early elections. The article continues under the video advertisement The article continues under the video advertisement BRATISLAVA. How does the government of Eduard Heger (OĽaNO) want to continue if the prime minister himself, the leader of OĽaNO Igor Matovič and other heads of the government parties Sme familia and Za lyudý veki consider governing without SaS with minority support in the parliament as “difficult” or simply “dysfunctional”? Even President Zuzana Čaputová urgently asks Heger to bring her a satisfactory answer. “A government without a parliamentary majority is a dysfunctional government,” he adds. SaS gave Matovič an ultimatum to resign from the post of finance minister by Monday, otherwise its three ministers – Branislav Gröhling, Mária Kolíková and Ivan Korčok – will leave. SaS chairman Richard Sulík already submitted his resignation on Wednesday.Related articleRelated article Just another attempt to cover up political work (commentary) Read OĽaNO plans to organize a team building in Liptov during the weekend with all party members, MPs and ministers. It is not clear whether the party can change its mind there and at the last minute approve Matovič’s departure and save the coalition of four. you want a thousand percent that I will not leave,” said Matovič on Friday. If SaS leaves Heger’s cabinet on Monday, each of the remaining parties of the coalition OĽaNO, Sme rodina and For the people will find themselves in a significantly different situation, how to manage to govern with only 70 deputies – to rule to regular elections at any cost or to help trigger early elections. For the strongest OĽaNO, with two years of repeated warnings about the return of Smer and Robert Fico to power, early elections would be a fundamental political defeat. Boris Kollár’s party, on the other hand, has been clearly communicating throughout the summer coalition crisis that the only solution will be the departure of the government, which is unable to enforce its program. The party of chairwoman Veronika Remišová (For the People) has been in polls for a long time not only below the electability threshold, but also below the three percent threshold, which would the party secured a state contribution even after the next elections. Therefore, different political strategies are expected from the parties of the three-coalition. The SME diary summarized what approach to expect from them. [email protected] so that we can help you.” data-msg-btn-logout=”Log in as another user” data-msg-btn-close=”Stay logged in” >