“Reluctant”, “it cooled me off”: Rachel Legrain-Trapani not ready to marry Valentin! – Audience

To the question “When will the wedding with Valentin?” Asked by a subscriber during a question and answer launched by Rachel Legrain-Trapani on Instagram, the former Miss France did not give good news this Friday, September 2 . “At first I teased Val with that! But the fact that he was so reluctant put me off,” she said. Before continuing: “We are good like that and that’s the main thing. Marriage is for me something solemn and very important. So you have to be all the way for it and not do it to please the other. but because we want to”. It must be said that after a nightmarish summer, it was perhaps one question too many for Rachel Legrain-Trapani… Especially since Valentin had promised to ask her to marry her if they won “Beijing Express: Shock Duos”, which did not happen. “If we win Beijing Express, I will make my marriage proposal at the final arrival”, he had dropped in the first episode. Rachel Legrain-Trapani and Valentin Léonard are not ready to get married, but remain united, despite the distance that Rachel does not always live very well. If separations are always difficult to live with for the former beauty queen, at the head of a small blended family, everything is going well at home. With little Andrea, born from their union in 2020, but also with Rachel’s first child, Gianni, born in 2013 from a first union with Aurélien Capoué. And between Valentin and Gianni, everything is going well. “Yes, they get along very well! They have the same passion for football, it brought them closer. Afterwards, Gianni still has to reframe from time to time, who thinks that Val is his friend, Rachel confided on Instagram in July last. But everyone has found their place, I just have to be a little stricter with the children, I’m working on it,” she confided on Instagram. No marriage in sight, of course, but a life as a couple in the family that works very well!Laure BertrandSee also