Report in Argentina: wave of support for Cristina Kirchner, victim of an assassination attempt

Published on: 03/09/2022 – 11:24 Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators gathered in Argentina on Friday to express their support for Vice-President Cristina Kirchner who escaped an assassination attempt, the day before. The day had been declared a public holiday by the Head of State, Alberto Fernandez. Report on May Square, in Buenos Aires. Tens of thousands of Argentinians demonstrated in several cities on Friday, September 2, against the assassination attempt on Vice-President Cristina Kirchner, which caused shock in the country and a wave of international condemnation. thousands in Buenos Aires, on the capital’s emblematic May Square, to come and express their solidarity with the former head of state (from 2007 to 2015). “We believe that this is a very serious attack by the democracy, not only of Cristina, confides Andrea, a demonstrator who came with her young son.It is not only a subject vis-à-vis her or a partisan subject, all of Argentina must be united”. , Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez denounced the “most serious” act since the end of the dictatorship in 1983. This assassination attempt comes in a climate of tension, ten days after a sentence of 12 years in prison was requested against Cristina Kirchner, accused of corruption.