Yolanda Díaz will rush the deadline to agree on the increase in the minimum wage

The minimum wage (SMI) in Spain will rise in 2023, but until the end of the year it will not be known how much this increase will be. Yolanda Díaz met this Friday with the advisory commission to tell them that in her work they analyze what impact the SMI has on poverty and inequality. Despite the fact that a few days ago she pointed out that the increase would be “beyond the path” of 60% of the average salary, this time she ruled out talking about figures and she will wait for the conclusions of the committee of experts. Moreover, once Labor has these conclusions -for which they have been given “approximately two and a half months”-, the social dialogue table will be convened so that the increase in the SMI is “as consensual as possible “Thus, the experts must make their proposal known in mid-November, after knowing the average annual inflation that is taken into account to revalue pensions, in which statistical data on the average salary that is more up-to-date than those of your previous proposal made in June 2021, which indicated that 60% of the average salary in Spain next year would amount to 1,049 euros per month in 14 payments. “I will listen to the commission and the social agents before giving a figure,” highlighted the minister to the media. Díaz highlighted the increases in the minimum wage that have been established in the countries around us, with 15% in Germany, Belgium between 12% and 14% or France with three increases in a single year due to the effects of high inflation. .The SMI rose in 2022 to 1,000 euros per month in 14 payments, with the Government’s commitment to place it at 60% of the national average salary in 2023, a figure that the commission will have to propose also taking into account the current situation. Tension with employersIn addition, regarding the open conflict with the employers’ association after positioning themselves in favor of the mobilizations that the unions are preparing for the rise in wages, the minister assured that “what stresses society is not reaching the end of the month and have a marked loss of purchasing power”. Díaz recalled that the CEOE left the negotiating table on May 5 and now “they have to be able to reach a salary agreement.” In his opinion, the only thing the unions are doing is “defending the general interest.” and he once again asked the bosses to “sit down and negotiate for the good of the country.” “The CEOE has always risen to the occasion and now it should also have high sights,” said the minister. The negotiating table was broken by the opposing positions. The unions demanded from employers a wage increase of 3.5% for this year, with wage review clauses, so that workers maintain their purchasing power. While the CEOE proposal contemplated a salary increase of 8% distributed between 2022 and 2024, which excluded the salary review clause. The employer’s approach included an update of 3.5% for 2022, 2.5% for 2023 and 2% for 2024.