Matovič: Of the “frozen” electricity prices for next year, they are suddenly double | –

Updated 17:31, 02/09/2022 02/09/2022, 16:36 From the “frozen” electricity prices for households for next year, they are suddenly doubled after the government’s meeting on Friday. After the cabinet meeting, Minister of Finance Igor Matovič (OĽANO) stated this in connection with the information presented by the Ministry of Economy. Labor Minister Milan Krajniak (We are a family) also declared that the increase in the price of electricity next year by 101% and gas by 55% is unacceptable. They reacted to the previous press release of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy, Karol Galek.
According to Matovič, under the conditions presented on Friday by the Ministry of Economy (MH) of the SR, households will pay 1.5 billion euros more next year for electricity alone. The Minister of Finance pointed out that households “cannot be left alone”. “I don’t know where we can suddenly find 1.5 billion euros to help those households with an item that we absolutely did not count on,” he admitted.

15:48 K. Galek: We have a solution for households, that means cheap electricity, cheap gas next year Instead of a freeze, according to the Minister of Finance, households will pay 101% more for electricity and 55% more for gas next year. According to Matovič, the public promise of the Minister of Economy Richard Sulík (SaS) was 186 euros per megawatt hour in the case of electricity, while now it is already 281 euros up to 85% of consumption from 2020 and up to 904 euros above 85%. He calculated that up to 85% of consumption, the increase in the price of electricity for households is 51%, above 85% there is an increase of 386%, and the weighted average thus represents an increase of 101%. “Many of us lost sound and vision there, we didn’t understand what was happening, what we were learning,” Matovič commented on Friday’s government meeting.
Igor Matovič commented on the negotiations in the evening on the social network. At the same time, Krajniak emphasized that Slovakia must prepare “non-standard” measures that should go to the edge of European legislation. “We really need to wake up and realize the times we are working in,” appealed the Minister of Labor. He pointed out that other countries are also taking measures in the case of energy and asked when Slovakia would take them. According to his own words, he did not find out on Friday, because nothing is ready. “We cannot go into the winter knowing we will see,” he declared.