Nord Stream 1 will remain out of operation. Maintenance revealed deficiencies in the turbine –

The maintenance of the only operable turbine of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline revealed deficiencies. Until they are removed, the gas pipeline will remain out of service. This was announced today by the Russian gas company Gazprom. She did not specify when supplies through this gas pipeline could be restored. Nord Stream 1 transports gas from Russia to Germany along the bottom of the Baltic Sea and is the main route for Russian gas supplies to the European Union. The shutdown was supposed to end on Saturday. Russia had already interrupted supplies through the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline on Wednesday for maintenance work. According to the original information, the shutdown was supposed to end on Saturday morning. However, Gazprom said today that maintenance carried out together with representatives of the German company Siemens Energy revealed an oil leak in the Portovaja compressor station, so it is not possible to ensure safe operation. He added that he had sent a letter to the head of Siemens Energy about the identified deficiencies and the need to eliminate them. The situation surrounding Russian gas supplies became complicated when Russia launched an attack on Ukraine in February and the European Union adopted a series of anti-Russian sanctions in retaliation. They are talking about a pretext. In June, Moscow reduced supplies through the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline to 40 percent of capacity, and in July to only 20 percent. She cited maintenance problems caused by the sanctions. But the European Union says the technical problems are just a pretext and that Moscow is using the gas as a weapon to advance its interests. Uncertainty about supplies from Russia raises concerns about gas shortages in Europe in the winter months. This led to a significant increase in European gas and electricity prices. The European Union is now considering various measures in an attempt to limit the growth of energy costs, which has negative effects on the EU economy. 01 – Modified: 2022-09-02 16:30:00 – Feat.: 1 – Title: Government goes to extraordinary price ceilings: electricity will be affordable for everyone 02 – Modified: 2022-09-02 15:47:50 – Feat.: 1 – Title: We lost both the image and the sound. We found out that energy prices for next year are double, Matovič declared 03 – Modified: 2022-09-02 07:29:08 – Feat.: 1 – Title: Russia is to resume supplies through the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline on Saturday, shutdowns will every 42 days 04 – Modified: 2022-08-31 17:59:00 – Feat.: 1 – Title: Siemens cannot maintain Nord Stream 1 equipment due to confusion over sanctions 05 – Modified: 2022-08-31 17:27: 24 – Feat.: 1 – Title: Russia will deliver additional gas to Hungary in autumn, the agreement came after the start of the shutdown of Nord Stream 1 01 – Modified: 2022-09-02 15:14:05 – Feat.: – Title: Electricity market it doesn’t work, it was disrupted by Putin’s manipulation. The EU must change it, declared Leyenová 02 – Modified: 2022-09-02 07:29:08 – Feat.: – Title: Russia is to resume supplies through the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline on Saturday, there will be shutdowns every 42 days 03 – Modified: 2022 -08-31 17:27:24 – Feat.: – Title: Russia will supply additional gas to Hungary in the fall, the agreement came after the Nord Stream 1 shutdown began 04 – Modified: 2022-08-31 16:38:04 – Feat. : – Title: The price of gas in Europe has fallen despite the suspension of supplies through the Nord Stream 1 05 – Modified: 2022-08-31 06:58:18 – Feat.: – Title: HN24: Gas supplies through the Nord Stream are stopped