Refusal to comply in Creuse: scammer Robert Hendy-Freegard arrested in Belgium

INFO BFMTV – Involved last Thursday in a refusal to comply, the British scammer was arrested this Friday near Ghent. , was arrested in Belgium on Friday. He was arrested by the Ghent motorway police in a vehicle, BFMTV learned from a source close to the investigation. Robert Hendy-Freegard had knocked down two gendarmes by evading a control of his dog breeding. The Englishman had settled in France in 2015 and held with his partner, Sandra Clifton, this illegal breeding of nearly 30 dogs. A fake MI5 spy nicknamed “the puppeteer”. known to be a former con man, nicknamed “the puppeteer”. In the 1990s, and until his arrest in 2002, he had posed as an MI5 spy to scam women, from whom he had extracted a total of more than a million pounds. A documentary, broadcast on Netflix since the beginning of the year, is dedicated to him. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2005 for kidnapping, deception, theft from students and women. He appealed against this sentence and was finally released in 2009. Following his refusal to comply, which caused the hospitalization of two gendarmes, the GuĂ©ret prosecution opened an investigation for attempted intentional homicide on the person responsible. of public authority.