VIDEO : No Comment | Cosmonauts get to work in space to install a robotic arm – Euronews

Russian cosmonauts Oleg Artémiev and Denís Matvéyev, crew members of the International Space Station, completed the installation of the ERA, the European robotic arm, the same mission that had to be interrupted two weeks ago due to a failure in the Artemiev space suit. The operation lasted 6 hours and 18 minutes. The ERA will be used to move payloads and equipment out of the Russian segment of the station, joining the Canadian-built Canadarm2 robotic arm and the Japanese arm that already supports station maintenance, operations and research. The two cosmonauts left the Poisk module of the Russian segment of the orbital platform with Orlan spacesuits with blue stripes for Matvéyev and red for Artemiev. For Matvéyev it is the fourth spacewalk and for Artemiev it is the eighth.