K. Galek: We have a solution for households, that means cheap electricity, cheap gas for next year TVNOVINY.sk – TVNOVINY.sk

Updated 17:19, 02/09/2022 02/09/2022, 10:36 The Ministry of Economy presents a set of measures to alleviate the energy crisis. On Friday, the Slovak government dealt with energy prices, but did not approve any resolution or other legislation. The negotiations should continue next Monday (September 5), the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy (MH) of the Slovak Republic, Karol Galek, informed after the government’s meeting. He did not specify whether it will be a government meeting or only at the level of an expert group. “We have a solution for households, that means cheap electricity, cheap gas for next year,” said Galek. According to him, the development of electricity and gas market prices should not be reflected in prices for households. According to him, the government is looking for a solution for entrepreneurs and public administration. However, this statement was not liked by the Minister of Finance Igor Matovič, see how he commented on it. According to Galek, it should continue to apply to households that the price of power electricity will remain at the level of 61.21 euros per megawatt hour (MWh) in the next two years, but he did not rule out an increase in related fees. However, Galek said on Wednesday (August 31) that this price will only apply to households up to 85% of their consumption from 2020. For consumption above this limit, the customer should pay the price determined by the regulatory authority based on current market prices. Households should also receive more favorable gas prices, which suppliers achieve by using cheap gas from emergency stocks. However, this solution requires the approval of the general economic interest, which the government will deal with only after the approval of amendments to several laws in the parliament. Another help for households should be compensations for high heat prices. According to Galek, the Ministry of Finance could allocate up to 250 million euros for them. For entrepreneurs, the Ministry of Finance prepares compensation based on the crisis framework. The first draft of compensation for businesses is currently being evaluated by the Slovak Antimonopoly Office, and then it will be sent to the European Commission for approval. Funds from the Envirofond should also help companies. According to Galek, the Ministry of Economy is also preparing a law to cap energy prices. However, it is not even in the interdepartmental comment procedure yet. Milan Krajniak criticized the Ministry of Economy: