Europe didn’t want to hear it but it’s already real. Russia does not know when it will return the gas to Germany – Business Television

Europe didn’t want to hear it but it’s already real. Russia does not know when it will return the gas to Germany, it was expected that the cut would be three days but it was feared a ploy by Russia not to reopen NordStream at least for a while. And in the end what happened was the second option. Russia, through Gazprom, has announced that it cannot reopen the gas pipeline to Germany tomorrow, Saturday, which leaves the date for the return of gas up in the air and before the start of autumn in Europe it will run out of gas. What the Russian measure reflects above all is the European dependence on a country that it has sanctioned and that now sees how the boomerang of the sanctions imposed is returned to it in the null capacity for negotiation in a situation that leaves families, industry, governments in an extreme situation. Now the energy saving measures will have to be transformed, if the flow of gas does not return in the coming weeks, into a plan to rationalize the scarce two and a half months of gas that Europe has stored in the event of a Russian gas cut. Nobody expected that it could arrive so soon and although the storage capacity is 80%, the situation in Europe at the moment is critical. If you want to enter the TV Business Academy, this is the link #russia
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