Weather: thunderstorms across the country, six departments placed on orange alert – South West

In its 10:30 p.m. bulletin, Météo-France observed “storm cells regenerating from Espinouse to the Gard Cévennes and shifting eastward” and predicted a regeneration of storm cells over Hérault and Gard for another “ an hour or two”. The storms created can still be intense at times, according to the meteorological monitoring body, producing “strong electrical activity, gusts of wind sometimes close to 100 km / h, hail and rain intensities of around 40 to 60 mm in less than 2 hours”.Runoff, floodsIn the night, the storms will shift over the Vaucluse and the Bouches-du-Rhône then the Var “but with an activity a priori less and less marked”. Earlier Friday evening, on the Gard, “we observed large hail, tornadic phenomena […] and an hourly accumulation of rain close to 83 mm”. The Gard firefighters indicated that they had not carried out any significant interventions, except for a 50 m² floor which collapsed without causing any casualties. They also intervened for “starts of fires due to lightning, roof covering and water shortages”. Bouches-du-Rhône, Gard and Vaucluse had been placed early Friday morning in orange vigilance “thunderstorms by Météo-France, which then extended this vigilance to the Var, also concerned by a risk of “rain-flooding” then to the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and the Hérault at the end of the day. For the time being, this orange vigilance must end at 6 a.m. on Saturday. also Météo-France.