TF1-M6 merger: Arcom authorizes the takeover of the TFX and M6 Génération channels by Altice – 20 Minutes

The audiovisual policeman, Arcom, validated on Friday the acquisition by the operator Altice of the TFX and M6 Generation (6ter) channels, from which the TF1 and M6 groups wanted to separate in order to be able to merge. According to a press release, the operation is “contractually conditioned” on the marriage project between TF1 and M6, which is entering its home stretch with crucial hearings next week to obtain the agreement of the Competition Authority. The same audiovisual group cannot hold more than seven national frequencies on DTT, TF1 and M6 had decided to separate from the two channels with the lowest audience, and to return the one used by the Paris Première channel. More unreleased programsAltice, which already owns BFMTV and RMC, for its part, has undertaken to offer more unreleased programs on these two channels. On channel 11 of TNT, that of TFX, the group of Patrick Drahi, owner of SFR, has undertaken to broadcast each year “a minimum volume of 1,200 hours of programs in first broadcast on the free channels of hertzian television”, in its letter made public by Arcom. This reinforces “the existing commitment of 456 hours of new programs, broadcast between 2:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.,” Altice said. programs in first broadcast on the free channels of hertzian television, that is to say an increase of 125% of the current commitment (400 hours)”. More info on TFXAnother commitment: Altice will “increase the information offer” on the TFX channel, without making it a news channel. In addition, the channel will devote “at least four first parts of the evening to programs other than entertainment and whose broadcast begins between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.” and to the animation works of channel 22”. The Competition Authority had for its part given its agreement in July to the acquisition of the two channels.