The IAEA denounces that “the physical integrity” of the Zaporizhia plant has been violated

A group of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) continued this Friday the inspection at the Zaporizhia nuclear plant, in a mission questioned by the Ukrainian president, Volodimir Zelenski, among other things for not demanding the demilitarization of the plant, controlled since March by the Russian Army. Zelenski criticized in his daily speech to the Ukrainian people that the IAEA has not yet called for the demilitarization of the plant, which “is exactly the goal of Ukrainian and international efforts” to avoid an accident with catastrophic consequences by the bombardments in the area. According to the president, in the conversation he had in kyiv with the director general of the IAEA, the Argentine Rafael Grossi, before the mission of experts traveled to the plant “it was clearly stated: demilitarization and total control (from Zaporizhia) by Ukrainian nuclear specialists.” Zelensky also complained that other conditions have not been met. s that he agreed with Grossi, such as that the independent press has not been allowed to accompany the members of the IAEA so that “the world can really see what is happening” in the nuclear power plant.Ukraine denounces that Russia manipulates the inspectionThe state energy company Ukraine’s nuclear power plant, Energoatom, joined these criticisms and denounced that Russia manipulated the visit of IAEA experts to the plant, so it will be “difficult” for them to produce an impartial report on the real situation at the plant.” The Russian Army lies, manipulates and distorts reality at the Zaporizhia nuclear plant by only disseminating information to the IAEA mission that benefits it,” he wrote on Telegram. According to Energoatom, for example, the presence of Russian military vehicles in the room turbines “was presented to IAEA experts as equipment for the chemical defense forces.” The Kremlin assesses the mission “very positively” If Ukraine has received with reluctance the start of the mission and inspection of the IAEA for being conditioned by the control of the Russian Army, in Moscow it was received “very positively”. “In general, we value very positively the fact that, despite all the difficulties and problems, including those linked to the provocative actions from the Ukrainian side, this mission has arrived and started work,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said. At the same time, he pointed out that “at the moment it is premature to make evaluations” about the work of the IAEA experts, but stressed that “the important thing” is that the mission is at the head office. “It is obvious that the physical integrity of the plant has been raped on several occasions, casually or deliberately. We do not have the elements to affirm that, but it is a reality that we must recognize and it is something that cannot continue to happen,” Grossi said the day before after his visit to the plant. The physical integrity of the plant has been violated on several occasions, accidentally or deliberately. The Argentine, who is traveling back to Vienna, where the IAEA has its headquarters, plans to offer a press conference this Friday on his visit to the Zaporizhia plant, where a group of experts from the UN atomic agency remains. This first group will stay at the plant until Monday or Sunday to deepen the first evaluation that the team made yesterday of the situation at the plant, according to Grossi said the day before. Then, he added, there will be another group of experts that will continue in Zaporizhia in order to continue providing “an impartial, neutral and technically sound evaluation of what is happening” at the plant, as part of the IAEA’s efforts to establish a “permanent stay” there. Moscow denies having heavy weapons The Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigú, trusted this Friday that “the impartial results of the IAEA’s work will be made known to world public opinion.” In a meeting of the Defense staff, refuted kyiv’s allegations that the Russian Army uses the nuclear power plant site as an arsenal. Shoigú assured that there are no Russian heavy weapons in the territory of the plant or in the surrounding areas. He also rejected the accusations of the kyiv Government that Russian troops are hiding behind important energy facilities, such as the Zaporozhye plant, to attack Ukrainian forces with long-range artillery systems. or scope. The Minister of Defense stressed that Russia is doing everything in its power to guarantee the safety of the plant and denounced that it is the actions of the Ukrainian troops that endanger the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.