Vlaďa from Láska na chate commented on the rumors and her weight: This refers! – SlovakWoman.sk

The new show Láska na chate, after a two-month holiday break, really stirred up the calm waves in the television program. This was especially taken care of by the pro-teller Vladimíra, who has made no secret of the fact that she makes a living by adding content to the site for adults. Vlada’s income comes from creating spicy photos and videos for which users of the Only*ans platform pay her. The beauty from Zvolen openly talks about her work in front of the cameras, which could not go without criticism. “I don’t pay any attention to comments like I’m dumb and unintelligent and stupid and stupid and I don’t know what. Because I knew that such criticism and such hatred would come, and so on. So I’m totally in the mood,” the 23-year-old blonde said with a smile on her Instagram. “I normally have a company, I normally do business, so… but I’m a dumb pi*a because I do Only*ans,” continued Vlaďka, whose content, according to her, is at a professional level. The current star Jojka also commented on the negative comments directed at her character. “It was said in the comments that since I do so much sports, I should also look like it. Like what does a person who plays sports look like? Now are we all supposed to have bricks on our stomachs and be skinny or what?” thinks the young Zvolenčanka. As she revealed, she was never slim and she doesn’t even like girls like that. “I am happy with myself. I go to the gym 4 times a week, I go to the mountains, I do sports, but I don’t need to weigh 50 kilos even with shoes. I’d rather eat,” said Láska na chata participant, who lost seven kilos since filming the show. Vlaďa about haters and his figure Source/Photo: Instagram/__rozzi____, tvjoj