Ex-MP Ján Herák is facing other serious charges. He was even supposed to cause serious injury to the victims TVNOVINY.sk – TVNOVINY.sk

Updated 5:26 p.m. 9/2/2022, 1:42 p.m. The former politician organized camps for poor children for years. He denies all the accusations. Another charge should have been added to Ján Herák last week. It looks like it concerns several victims. According to our information, the investigator from Nitra is prosecuting him for sexual violence, abuse and rape. According to the paragraphs attributed to him, he should have committed violence against the protected persons entrusted to his care. The indictment also shows that in some cases he was even supposed to cause serious injury to the victims by his actions. It means that, most likely, the police already have in their hands expert reports from experts who have examined their health or mental state. If found guilty, the ex-politician faces up to 20 years in prison. However, how many victims are attributed to him in total – no one wants to officially confirm yet. In June of this year, according to the daily SME, there should have been six of them. Ján Herák didn’t pick up the phone at first. But then he responded to the questions. “I register another accusation that is absolutely unfounded by facts based on some statements…, I consider it as absolute bullying against my person!!! I am innocent!!! And that’s why I will use… all legal means to clear my name,” Ján Herák wrote to Markíza television editor. Learn more in the report above. See also the archive report on the case with Ján Herák, which we broadcast on 6/26/2022: