A twist in the life of ex-lyzer Zuzulova. Divorced after ten years – PRAVDA.sk

It looked like the former top Slovak skier Veronika Velez-Zuzulova was enjoying a perfect marriage with Romain Velez. But the opposite is true. Photo: archive of Veronika Velez-Zuzulova Veronika Velez-Zuzulova with her husband Romain and son Julo. Velez-Zuzulova admitted to Nový čas that the couple is in divorce proceedings. The former top slalom skier’s marriage to Velez, with whom she has a three-year-old son Jula, collapsed after exactly 10 years. “It was an amazing adventure. It will be different again, with what life has given us the most important. Jules forever,” the ex-lyricist recently wrote in a status on the social network, indicating the end of a long-term relationship. She subsequently confirmed this fact. “I can confirm that I am getting a divorce. It is still in the process and Romain and I are trying to make it go smoothly. And above all, so that our son Jules does not suffer,” she said. The reason for the collapsing marriage was supposed to be the couple’s frequent separation. “Romain was with the French national team, while I often came to comment on women’s races. We didn’t live the classic family life. We were together more when I was an active skier than after the end of my career,” she explained. Read more Vlhová is like a racehorse. Velez-Zuzulová is not going to move to her native Slovakia and plans to keep the restaurant that she and her husband opened in 2018 even after the divorce. “We will own her even after the divorce. We want the breakup to go well. And we remained friends and, above all, we want to be good parents for our son Julo,” she added. We pay attention to News, discussions, comments… Join us and follow our FB page Šport.Pravda.sk