In Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to three additional years in prison

Published on: 02/09/2022 – 19:40 The former deposed Burmese leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, was found guilty of electoral fraud on Friday and sentenced to three years in prison with hard labor. Yet another conviction for the Nobel Peace Prize. The Burmese junta continues to increase the sentence of Aung San Suu Kyi: the former leader was sentenced Friday, September 2 to an additional three years in prison for electoral fraud, during a long trial, denounced as political by the international community. This sentence is accompanied by forced labor, a source close to the case told AFP, according to which the 77-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner appeared in good health in court. She must now serve 20 years of detention, but she risks in all more than 120 years, for the multiple offenses of which the junta accuses her.>> To read also: “Burma: ‘The international community must increase the pressure on the junta'” Its lawyers will appeal the decision, the source added. The court found her guilty of fraud in the November 2020 legislative elections that her party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), largely won. This vote served of justification for the genes rals during the February 1, 2021 coup, the army claiming to have discovered more than 11 million irregularities. International observers had described the vote as “representative” of the will of the Burmese people. Former President Win Myint , who was being tried on the same charges, was also sentenced to three years in prison, the source said. “I don’t see Suu Kyi going to a labor camp,” the source said. AFP political analyst David Mathieson. Judicial harassment “No act of violence or torture can be ruled out, and Suu Kyi is the sworn enemy that the junta wants to humiliate and eradicate for good”, he said however assured. Arrested at the time of the putsch, which ended a decade of democratic transition in Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi was placed in solitary confinement in a prison in Naypyidaw at the end of June. capital that his trial continues, which began more than a year ago, behind closed doors, his lawyers are banned from speaking to the press and international organizations. “These closed-door hearings do not allow us to know whether Aung San Suu Kyi’s convictions are credible,” Manny Maung, a country specialist, told AFP. at Human Rights Watch. “I expect her to be found guilty of the other charges against her,” continued the researcher. Suu Kyi had previously been found guilty of corruption, importing and illegal possession of walkie-talkies, violation of coronavirus restrictions and incitement to public unrest. and big winner of the 2015 and 2020 elections. Several of her relatives have been sentenced to heavy sentences. A former member of his party sentenced to death, Phyo Zeya Thaw, was executed at the end of July. The junta defends itself from these accusations, and even promises to open negotiations with Aung San Suu Kyi once her trial is over. we could have taken tougher actions, we are lenient with her,” junta leader Min Aung Hlaing said in an August interview with the UN envoy, in remarks carried by a newspaper. ‘State.Elections in 2023? Aung San Suu Kyi remains a popular figure in Burma, even if her international image has been damaged by her inability to defend the Muslim minority of the Rohingyas, victims of abuses by the army in 2016 and 2017 – a “genocide” according to Washington. Special envoys from the UN and ASEAN were not allowed to see her during their last visit, as a symbol of the failure of diplomatic efforts undertaken for several months, which did not get Burma out. chaos. The army hopes to organize elections in the summer of 2023, as soon as the country is “in peace and stability”, according to Min Aung Hlaing, who also announced a “reform” of the electoral system. The United States has already called on the international community not to support this project, an electoral “simulacrum”, according to Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The putsch plunged the country into chaos. Nearly 2,100 civilians have been killed by security forces and more than 15,000 arrested, according to a local NGO. Burmese authorities on Friday also sentenced a former British ambassador to Burma and her artist husband to one year jail for violating immigration law. With AFP