Energy crisis: gas stocks, restarting reactors… what to remember from the government’s announcements after the Defense Council – CNEWS

At the end of a defense council devoted to the energy crisis, meeting this Friday, September 2 in the morning, the Minister for Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, made a report in which she notably announced that EDF has committed to restarting all of its reactors. The speech was eagerly awaited. After the Defense Council on the energy crisis which was held this Friday at the Elysée around President Emmanuel Macron, the government, in the person of Agnès Pannier-Runacher, sent a message in the afternoon to the French during a press briefing. Here are the many announcements made by the Energy Transition regarding France’s energy supply. Gas stocks filled to 92% in France Agnès Pannier-Runacher announced that gas stocks in France are filled “92%”, which represents an objective achieved “two months in advance”. “The government has been anticipating the situation for several months. We have secured our gas stocks,” assured the minister. In a complicated geopolitical context, against a backdrop of war in Ukraine, gas flows from Russia have dried up in Europe, with European states even preparing for a possible total shutdown, in reaction to the sanctions imposed on Moscow. On this subject, Agnès Pannier-Runacher clarified that “Russian gas deliveries are not cut, but are at their lowest.” Reinforced European solidarity Agnès Pannier-Runacher promised that “European solidarity” would be reinforced, with in particular an increase in electricity and gas exchanges with Spain and Germany. “The key to getting through the winter is general mobilization,” explained the minister during her speech. A rise in the price of electricity amortized Regarding electricity, Agnès Pannier-Runacher announced that “32 reactors are shut down due to corrosion or maintenance”. EDF, she continued, “is committed to restarting all the reactors for this winter”. If the current should therefore be assured in France, the rise in its price should be partly amortized by the State, also indicated the minister. Agnès Pannier-Runacher, however, did not risk quantifying this “amortization”, while the day before, the Ministry of Economy and Finance had made it known that the cost of the “tariff shield” on energy prices amounts to 24 billion euros since its deployment in the fall of 2021. The most expensive measure relates precisely to electricity: over the year 2022, the State will have spent 10.5 billion euros to cap at 4% increase in electricity tariffs. A call for collective responsibility The government nevertheless wishes to be cautious and to avoid possible rationing, the Minister for Energy Transition has therefore called on the French people to “collective responsibility”. “We must have voluntary actions and then binding actions in the event of difficulties which would not be anticipated”, added Agnès Pannier-Runacher. This Friday morning, the general manager of Engie, Catherine MacGregor, announced that the gas consumption of individuals has already fallen “by about 4 to 5%” in France since the start of the war in Ukraine.