The Deliveroo delivery platform is ordered to pay 9.7 million euros to Urssaf – franceinfo

The Deliveroo meal delivery platform, found guilty of concealed work, was ordered to pay Urssaf 9.7 million euros for not having paid social security contributions and contributions, according to a judgment of the Paris court consulted on Friday September 2 by AFP. Deliveroo France is ordered “to pay Urssaf Ile-de-France the sum of 6,431,276 euros in respect of social security contributions and contributions, in addition to the sum of 2,489,570 euros in respect of supplementary recovery increases for work violations. concealed, and the sum of 756,033 euros in respect of provisional delay increases”, details the court in its decision rendered on Thursday. Urssaf accused the British platform of having concealed 2,286 delivery jobs in Ile-de-France between April 1, 2015 and September 30, 2016 and, consequently, of not having paid the related social security contributions. “SAS Deliveroo, which defines itself as a connection platform, does not limit itself to connecting end customers and partner restaurants, who are never in contact, but itself executes the delivery of meals prepared by through delivery people, so that the delivery is inseparably part of its activity”, write the judges in their decision. The British meal distribution platform denounced a procedure “neither regular nor fair” and announced its intention to appeal. For their part, the judges considered that the requests of the collection agency were “perfectly justified”. “This decision is difficult to understand and goes against all the evidence which establishes that the delivery partners are indeed independent service providers, of several decisions previously rendered by the French civil courts”, reacted Deliveroo. “The Urssaf investigation relates to an old model which no longer applies today”, reacts the platform.