The government is changing the conditions for expensive energy: Who will get cheaper electricity and gas?! – New time

Big changes are happening. Just a few months ago, the government’s composition announced the conditions for how people will get cheaper electricity and gas next year. Under the pressure of many households, whose consumption is much higher and would thus pay several times higher bills, they are changing their strategy. Newly, those who save at least 15% of consumption will have a guaranteed capped amount for electricity. How will it work in practice?

Electricity The original proposal of the Ministry of Economy was that people with an annual consumption of up to 4 MWh will get electricity for similar money as this year. In practice, this would mean that the average household that does not heat with electricity would not have to worry about prices. However, those who also provide heat through power plants would have a problem. The price of electricity is so high on the markets that bills for it could ruin many a person. The government is thus changing its strategy, and the Ministry of Economy, which Richard Sulík is leaving, has announced that households that save at least 15% of their own consumption next year in 2020 will receive cheaper electricity in full. One MWh will cost €61 for these people. Open the gallery State Secretary Karol Galek said that households that do not save anything on consumption compared to previous years will receive cheaper electricity only up to 85% of consumption and will pay for the remaining consumption at market prices. Slovenské elektrárne will provide cheaper power electricity, which makes up less than half of the final price of electricity. Next year and the following year, Slovakia’s dominant electricity producer should provide households with more than 6 terawatt-hours of electricity annually at a price of 61 euros per megawatt-hour. Open the gallery