Covid, Omicron updated vaccine even in pregnancy? Ema: “Recommended”

“Adapted vaccines should be used to revaccinate some categories at risk: the elderly, those with other diseases, those at risk of developing a serious Covid disease, immunocompromised people” but also “pregnant women and health workers” . This was suggested by the EMA during the press briefing. “With the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control Ecdc we are working to outline our considerations on how the adapted Covid vaccine should be used for re-vaccination”, for recall campaigns. “A joint declaration is expected for the beginning of next week”, explained Marco Cavaleri, head of Vaccines and Covid-19 Therapeutic Products of the EMA. The expert clarifies that “the approval indication for updated vaccines covers a very large population. However, as already established in the past together with the ECDC, at this stage the priority should be to revaccinate people who fall into categories a risk “. So” the elderly, people with underlying medical conditions, people at risk of severe Covid, immunocompromised, pregnant women and health care workers, “it lists. “This approach is in line with the principles that guide seasonal influenza vaccination campaigns. The population that should receive an adapted vaccine as a booster could then be extended and expanded over time.” As for timing, the reasoning is similar, Cavaleri points out: “Although product information on adapted vaccines allows revaccination after a minimum of 3 months, Member States would be expected to consider longer intervals of 4 months after the last dose of vaccine or confirmed infection “when they use these boosters in upcoming vaccination campaigns.