Reignited EDF reactors, gas stocks… What to remember from the Energy Defense Council – The HuffPost

ALAIN JOCARD / AFP This Friday, September 2, the Minister for Energy Transition detailed the report of the Defense Council on energy. ALAIN JOCARD / AFP This Friday, September 2, the Minister for Energy Transition detailed the report of the Defense Council on energy. ENERGY – “The key to getting through the winter is general mobilization. At the end of the Energy Defense Council requested by the Head of State this Friday, September 2, Agnès Pannier-Runacher spoke about the levers activated by France to deal with the threat of a energy crisis in the context of the war in Ukraine. Firstly, the Minister for Energy Transition wanted to be reassuring before the onset of winter, particularly with regard to available gas stocks, which she considers “secure” and “92% full”, i.e. “almost on target two months ahead of schedule. And to add: “Our European neighbors are also well advanced” on the issue of gas stocks. Concerning nuclear energy, Agnès Pannier-Runacher announced emergency measures, without concealing the problems which are currently forcing EDF to keep 32 of its reactors shut down, due to routine maintenance but also due to the presence of corrosion in some reactors. “EDF is committed to restarting all the reactors for this winter,” assured the minister. She adds that the State “follows the situation as closely as possible with weekly updates”, also emphasizing the vigilance provided so that “this calendar is kept”. You cannot view this content because you have refused the cookies associated with content from third parties. If you want to view this content, you can change your choices. Like the Covid-19, “we will take stock regularly, both on the gas and electricity supply situation and on the concrete implementation of sobriety measures”, promises Agnès Pannier-Runacher. These status updates will begin in October, announced the Minister for Energy Transition. “General mobilization” She also promised that “European solidarity” would be strengthened, in particular with Spain and Germany, with which gas and electricity exchanges will be multiplied to stem any threat of cuts. “The Council more particularly examined relations with Germany and Spain, because you know that we have significant exchanges of gas and electricity with these two countries, and we have concluded that this reciprocal solidarity should be strengthened from this winter. More generally, Agnès Pannier-Runacher recalled the principle of “general mobilization” enacted by Emmanuel Macron during his televised speech on July 14. For this, she recalled the importance of putting in place a “chosen sobriety”, also calling for “collective responsibility” to avoid “binding measures”. You cannot view this content because you have refused the cookies associated with content from third parties. If you want to view this content, you can change your choices. “I remind you that sobriety is the hunt for waste, attention to heating, lighting. This is not asking companies to lower their production or their activity, ”detailed Agnès Pannier-Runacher during her press briefing. “It is thanks to sobriety and European solidarity that we will be able to avoid restrictive measures,” added the Minister for Energy Transition. “We must have voluntary actions and then binding actions in the event of difficulties which would not be anticipated”, finally added the Minister. Started around 10 a.m. at the Elysée on Friday, this Council brought together the ministers in charge of the file, such as Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal and the ministers in charge of Ecological and energy transition Christophe Béchu and Agnès Pannier-Runacher, as well as experts. See also on The HuffPost: Sobriety or rationing, the warning from Borne to bosses You cannot view this content because you have refused the cookies associated with content from third parties. If you want to view this content, you can change your choices.