TikTok, Putin like Berlusconi? Kremlin says ‘niet’

Russian President Vladimir Putin does not plan to open personal pages on social networks. The spokesman of the Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, specified this in answering the question of journalists if the Russian leader would follow the example of his friend Silvio Berlusconi, who yesterday ‘landed’ on TikTok telling a joke that had as protagonists, in addition to the Cav and Putin himself, US President Joe Biden and Pope Francis. Peskov, reports the Interfax agency, reiterated that Putin does not use a mobile phone, has no social media accounts and has no intention of opening one since he has sufficient channels to obtain information and communicate with Russians. Peskov also noted that maintaining an account on a social network takes time that the president does not have and that Putin would hardly allow other people to manage his accounts.