Covid, original or updated Omicron vaccine? What you need to know

The updated vaccines against Omicron arrive. But in view of the coming winter, “what kind of vaccine or booster should I do?”. “If you are not vaccinated, you will be offered one of the original vaccines, which will protect you from serious illness, hospitalization and death. If you meet the criteria to be revaccinated, we assume that the EU states are preparing to offer you an adapted vaccine”, between those already approved and those arriving. The answer is Marco Cavaleri, head of Vaccines and Covid-19 therapeutic products of the European drug agency Ema, today during the press briefing. Read also These updated boosters, the expert went on to explain, “are expected to expand immunity against variants of concern, particularly Omicron and its sub-lineages, regardless of which variant of concern has been incorporated into the vaccine. Therefore it is important take the adapted vaccine that is made available to you and do not delay the shield injection. “There is no need to wait for another updated vaccine. Our message is to trust the decisions made by your national health authorities. They will adapt better to your needs and take into account all relevant elements.” that have been approved, and those on the way if they are authorized, “will expand the arsenal of options that each EU member state will have available for recall campaigns. But although” these new vaccines “are an important new tool”, Cavaleri pointed out, “we must not lose sight of the fact that the original vaccines are still capable of protecting against severe disease and death. They have clear capabilities against the currently dominant strains of Omicron, although they are less effective in preventing infections. and symptomatic diseases “. It should also be considered that “with a virus that is evolving rapidly, it is not possible to predict which variants will circulate this autumn and winter – concluded Cavaleri -. It is not excluded that new variants emerging by the end of the year may be closer to BA .2 “, like Centaurus,” that at BA.5 or that a completely new variant may emerge that we are not able to foresee today. Precisely for this reason, he concludes, it is important to have, “a plurality of options”.