Trump against Biden: “He is mad or suffering from senile dementia”

Donald Trump accuses Joe Biden of being “mad or suffering from senile dementia”. Disdainful words, which come after the American president accused Trump and his supporters of “threatening American democracy” last night. “If you look at the words, the meaning, of Biden’s embarrassing and angry speech, he threatened America, even with the use of military force. He must be insane or suffering from late-stage dementia,” the writer wrote. former US president on his social channel “Truth”. The reaction of the Republican party to the president’s speech was not long in coming either. Biden should apologize “for brandishing millions of Americans as fascists,” said Congressman Kevin McCharty, leader of the Republican minority in the House. “What Biden doesn’t realize is that the soul of America is the tens of millions of hard-working families, loving families of law-abiding citizens that he vilified just because they want a stronger, safer and more prosperous country.” All due respect, Mr. President, there is nothing wrong with the soul of America, “tweeted Senator Lindsay Graham, who a few days ago predicted” riots in the streets “if Trump is indicted. “President Biden went on the air last night to divide the nation,” tweeted Congressman Mark Green, calling the head of the White House “the divider in chief.” Biden “does nothing to unite the nation,” former UN ambassador Nikki Halley said. Many Republicans then shared on Twitter a photo of the speech, in which Biden raises his fist to the sky against the backdrop of the red-lit Independence Hall.