Russia: “Gas price roof? We will sell it elsewhere”

A cap on the price of oil, as proposed by the G7 states, will cause a “destabilization” of the energy markets and push Moscow to sell its crude “elsewhere”. Thus the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, according to which the anti-Russian measures, or the sanctions, “have led to a very deep crisis” and to a situation in which Europeans “are buying, often from the United States, liquefied gas for many. money, completely unjustified. US companies are getting richer while European taxpayers are getting poorer. ” Read also Describing the idea of ​​a price cap on oil as “absurd”, Peskov stressed that “Russia is evaluating all options”, evoking “alternative scenarios” for its sales. “We will simply not interact with them with these non-market principles,” the spokesman explained, referring to the countries that will adhere to the proposed cap on the price. Responding to the question of where Moscow intends to allocate unsold oil, Peskov said: “Towards alternative directions, towards those countries that operate at market conditions”.