Ivory Coast: living despite the jihadist threat

Published on: 02/09/2022 – 12:14 16:52 Reporters © France 24 An assault on the Kafolo military base in northeastern Côte d’Ivoire, near the border with Burkina Faso, s ended, in June 2020, with the death of 14 soldiers. Other jihadist attacks followed and the Ivorian authorities are working to improve the security situation. For France 24, Samuel Bernard was able to accompany surveillance patrols and meet the inhabitants of this area. In this border region, the Fulani claim to be subject to special surveillance and denounce discriminatory treatment. Samuel Bernard responded in the Journal de l’Afrique to Nabia Makhloufi’s questions about the conditions for carrying out his report. His speech can be found below. 03:12 Summary of the week France 24 invites you to come back to the news that marked the week I subscribe