Reader Monika couldn’t believe her eyes on the plane: You’ll lose who she took a picture of! – Azet

Have you experienced something similar? Contact us at [email protected] The Koktejl editorial office was contacted by reader Monika, who went on a short trip to the capital of Serbia on the last day of August. Before leaving Vienna, she couldn’t stop wondering. Serbian actor Predrag Bjelac (60) also traveled on the plane bound for Belgrade. His most famous role is Igor Karkarov, who he played in the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He also appeared in other films, such as The Chronicles of Narnia or Eurotrip. The reader admitted that she was surprised at first. “It’s not every day you get the chance to meet an actor who played in Harry Potter, but I knew he was Serbian, so he probably went home. He was very nice and asked why I was going to Belgrade, he told me that he was filming in Bratislava series Spirit,” Monika shared with us her feelings about the meeting. Commuting between the Czech Republic and Belgrade Predrag is the father of twins. Una and Tara were born in the Czech Republic. After the divorce, his ex-wife Katarina, whom he met in Prague, returned to Belgrade. “In the beginning, it was not a problem to travel to see them, but today they are thirteen and a half, they are in the seventh grade and they need daily care. I want to be closer to them, I care for them a lot. Although we officially see each other every other weekend, in reality we meet or at least call each other every day,” he told Prime Women.