EXTRAORDINARY ONLINE Putin allegedly ordered the capture of the Donetsk region: He gave the soldiers until mid-September – Topky.sk

Live from Ukraine, the 190th day of the war in Ukraine ONLINE 06:03 The Ukrainian General Staff claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops to reach the administrative borders of the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine by September 15, i.e. conquer the remaining part of Donbass. According to the press, the Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Administration of the Ukrainian General Staff, Oleksiy Hromov, spoke about Putin’s order. “The enemy continues to control the occupied parts of Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Mykolaiv regions and is also trying to create favorable conditions for resuming the offensive. The Russian occupying forces are again correcting their plans and actions in accordance with Putin’s order to reach the administrative borders of the Donetsk region by September 15,” said General Hromov, according to the newspaper Ukrainska Pravda. According to him, the newly created 3rd Army Corps of the Russian Army should serve to renew the Russian offensive in this area. The Russians did not allow foreign journalists into the Zaporozhye power plant Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said on Thursday that Russia did not allow journalists accompanying a team of inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to enter the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZAES). The DPA agency informs about it. The head of the IAEA, Rafael Grossi, agreed that Ukrainian and foreign journalists would be allowed to visit the Russian-occupied nuclear power plant in the south of Ukraine under international control, “so that the world can see the truth”, Zelenskyy said in his evening speech. However, when a team of IAEA inspectors led by Grossi arrived at the power plant on Thursday, the Russian “occupiers” did not allow journalists to enter the area, Zelenskyy said. In this context, DPA notes that only the microphones of the Russian media could be seen in the images capturing Grossi’s statements to the media in front of the nuclear power plant broadcast on Russian state television. The head of the IAEA later published a video of the briefing on Twitter. At the same time, Zelensky again called for the complete demilitarization of the facility. “This is the goal of Ukrainian and international efforts,” he added. International experts from the IAEA arrived in Zaporozhye, which is under the control of Ukrainian forces, on Wednesday. The team of the UN monitoring agency passed through Russian-controlled territory on Thursday and arrived at the power plant around 12:00 local time. The team members were dressed in blue bulletproof vests and had blue helmets on their heads. Part of the inspectors together with Grossi left the power plant after a few hours. Russia occupied the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in the first weeks of the invasion. Since then, ZAES has been located near the front line, and in recent weeks its adjacent areas have been repeatedly shelled. Russia and Ukraine blame each other for this shelling.